Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dr. Krinkles' Gylos

Here's a Custom Gylos I finished today - Looking forward to working with this company on an action figure or Vinyl line 
I sculpted the Head and Right forearm/Hand - quick paint job, but wanted to have something finished to show - 

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I had found someone to help make one of my Krinkle Bots into plush form
I added a few details with a marker
but Im happy with how it looks - I present to you NIX-BOT! 
it's ALIVE!!

The Beginning!

YES Dr. K is alive and well!
the Madness of Fun has Begun! 
I'm excited to launch this website and will be adding more post as often as I can
- as you see that is my first page design of Ash and Ugg - for a childrens book idea - 
count down has begun till June 2nd where I will premiere my new ideas to the whole world!